How do you deal with constant change and uncertainty?
As treasury continues to expand its influence, diving deeper into the business and providing advisory services and tech solutions to increase efficiency, flexibility has become paramount. From building resilience in an environment of shifting risks to providing innovation to support business growth, much more is expected from treasury leaders today.
What will the next decade look like for treasury leaders?
The past 10 years, with high levels of uncertainty, volatility and changing technology, have upended traditional treasury. Then along came Covid-19 to bring new risks and induce more anxiety for corporate growth and stability, never mind completely altering the way we work.
We’re delighted to introduce the Advanced Treasury & Cash Management Masterclass which is a live 3 half-day program of 4 hours each designed for finance, treasury and banking professionals who have practical experience in various roles in treasury management and who need to gain a deeper practical knowledge of advanced treasury management techniques in today’s changing environment.
Understand how treasury can deliver improved bottom-line performance for your business through tax-efficient account structures, effective hedging strategies and optimizing working capital.
Gain an insight into the main challenges and opportunities for treasuries during the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Discuss alternative account structure for optimizing liquidity and payments.
Get up to date with emerging payment methods including faster payments, Blockchain, OpenBanking, API and PSD2.
How to become compliant and learn AML and KYC procedures for banks and treasurers.
Gain a comprehensive insight into the current and future challenges facing the treasury managers and CFOs.
Explore & Learn the techniques being deployed by the leading global treasury organizations and how treasuries need to prepare as business models.
Develop practical skills and knowledge that can be immediately applied upon your return to the office.
After having worked for more than 30 years in banking, François launched his own consultancy activity, FDWConsult Services BV, specialized in Banking, Finance and Treasury consulting. From 2014 to 2016, he was also Solution Partner Treasury & Finance at USG Professionals. Since then, he took up several assignments, including one in the automotive sector with Ginion Group and with Ibanity, part of Isabel Group in the area of PSD2 and Open Banking. He currently is Senior Project Manager Treasury at Gaming1 (part of Ardent-Group). He is also an independent Director at CKV, a niche mortgage and savings bank.
François is lecturer of the course “Advanced Treasury” and “Cash and Working Capital Management” in the Masters program “Finance and Treasury” at the Lille Management School, and, the Treasury Courses at the Vlerick Business School, at Febelfin Academy, and at SBM Opleidingen. He also plays a leading role in the Certificate inInternational Treasury and Corporate Finance Management organized by ATEL and the House of Training in Luxembourg.
François has a Master’s degree both in Law and Economics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.